
The sugar beet site of The Netherlands

Since 1930 the IRS has been the research and knowledge centre for the sugar beet cultivation in The Netherlands. This site contains information for farmers and knowledge providers.

English information
We work for Dutch farmers, therefore the information is only available in Dutch. On the Dutch site you can find a growers guide and many Decision Support Tools, news items, publications etcetera.

The IRS, founded in 1930, is an initiative of the Dutch sugar industry. At the time the industry needed more and better beet, which would increase the productivity of the factories. In-depth research would contribute to that end. In the meantime the IRS has grown into the leading research centre and centre of expertise for sugar beet cultivation in the Netherlands. The key responsibilities of this independent organisation are research, extension service and the provision of professional services mainly to sugar industry and to beet growers.

The fundamental principle has always remained the same: only a healthy crop can guarantee the profitable cultivation and processing of sugar beet in the future. Higher production and improved quality go hand in hand with a safe and healthy environment.

Do you have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us:

Visiting address:

e-mail: irs@irs.nl